Ever wonder how a nutrition professional eats to stay fit? As a dietitian, I’m often asked what I eat to stay healthy, energetic and in shape. I always have these 10 food items on hand for quick meals, and although my goals isn’t to lose weight, my always recommend the same list to clients intending to lose weight and improve health. Here, you’ll find this dietitian’s Top 10 foods for weight loss.

How I chose the top 10

I definitely eat more than ten foods on a weekly basis, so narrowing down the field took some time! As a busy professional and mom, I rely on convenient nutrition-packed options to quickly get a meal on the table, and I often recommend these foods for weight loss to clients. Instead of hitting the drive thru or ordering takeout, I pull from a short list of items on hand for quick, nutritious meals.

All foods for weight loss checks the following boxes:

The Top 10 Foods for Weight Loss

Use this list to streamline your shopping experience and add nutrient-rich foods into your day.

1. Plain nonfat Greek yogurt

No, I don’t eat this plain! I prefer buying unflavored, unsweetened yogurt for the sake of versatility. It’s bitter texture can go well in savory dishes, or can be lightly sweetened to satisfy that sweet tooth without the excess sugar that many pre-sweetened products offer. Greek and Icelandic (Skyr) yogurts provide a great protein source for smoothies and parfaits, and choosing non-fat keeps cholesterol-raising saturated fat low while meeting daily calcium goals.

How I use it:

2. 90 second whole grain blends

This pick is all about convenience! Packaged rice and grain mixes like Uncle Ben’s Ready Rice microwave in 90 seconds for a quick meal addition. Many options and combos exist, offering versatility in flavor and nutrition in just under two minutes. Watch for excess sodium in pre-seasoned varieties. I look for unseasoned brown rice, quinoa and lentils and flavor accordingly with the rest of the meal.

How I use it:

3. Canned beans

Canned and dried legumes (beans) are both very cost-effective proteins, but canned provides an unmatched level of convenience, hence its status on the Top 10 foods for weight loss list. Choose unsalted canned varieties, then drain and rinse before using. That’s it! Beans are loaded with ultra-filling fiber, and offer protein without saturated fat (great for cholesterol!).

How I use it:

4. Whole grain cereal or oatmeal

I have a sweet tooth, so having a sweet, crunchy cereal on hand is a must. Yes, there are tons of cereal options, and variety is where it’s at! I rotate through options like Raisin Bran, Honey Bunches of Oats, Honey Nut Cheerios or plain Quaker oats. Occasionally the family like more sugary options like Lucky Charms, but I try to keep added sugar per serving less than 10 grams when I can. Foods for weight loss includes things you LIKE to create a likable, sustainable plan.

How I use it:

5. Frozen veggies

Getting 5-9 fruit and veggie servings is always a challenge, but a quick-add veggie simplifies things tenfold! Add a veggie to dinner without chopping and prepping with steam-able bag veggies. Microwave while prepping the main dish for a no-hassle boost of filling fiber and vitamins. I purchase fresh produce as well, but I tend to under-buy to avoid waste and rely on frozen or canned between shopping trips once the fresh stuff is gone.

How I use it:

Loving this Top 10 Foods for Weight Loss list? Me too! If you’d like to expand on your nutrition knowledge, create a realistic plan and create a lifestyle you LOVE (and that supports weight loss), check out my Ditch the Diet Program!

6. Frozen fruit

Fresh fruit has an extremely short shelf life, and a lot ends up going to waste. Frozen berry blends, diced avocado or tropical fruit stay fresh and ready for whenever you see fit. This fits the foods for weight loss criteria because it’s cut, washed and ready to use, an undeniable box checked for convenience!

How I use it:

Tip: Peel and freeze extra ripe bananas in small chunks. Eat partially frozen or blend into smoothies for a frothy texture.

7. Mixed nuts or nut butter

Nuts of all varieties are loaded with healthy fats and protein, along with magnesium and other minerals that are vital to health. A little bit goes a long way! High fat content boosts calories, so be mindful of servings. I like to pair a small handful of nuts or tablespoon of peanut butter with bulkier items for a filling snack.

How I use it:

8. Whole grain bread

A dietitian eats bread? Oh yeah! Remember the criteria for the foods for weight loss list includes nutrition-packed items, including carbs! Whole grain simply means that the entire grain seed was ground and milled together. All of the vital nutrients and fibers that support good health are still intact when baked into bread. Look for the words ‘whole grain’ included as the FIRST ingredient on the label. A higher fiber option may also keep you feeling fuller after eating.

How I use it:

9. Ground turkey or chicken

Both options are lower fat replacements for ground beef, but they do have distinctly different flavors. I use ground beef where a flavor substitution wouldn’t be acceptable. When I just really want a burger I go for beef, but swap in chicken or turkey where the meat flavor is masked by stronger flavors. Be careful not to go too lean. Removing all fat from meat leaves a chewy, rubbery product. Look for around 90% lean. 

How I use it:

10. Spring mix

You’ll notice this is the only fresh, highly perishable item on my list of foods for weight loss. Dark leafy greens like kale and spinach are loaded with nutrients and can be very versatile, but also wilt and rot after just a few days. Pre-cut and washed varieties also reduce prep times on simple salads, so including a veggie is a no-brainer.

How I use it:

Tip: To extend shelf life, add a dry paper towel to spring mix after opening to wick away moisture!

Where to go from here?

And there you have it…my Top 10 foods for weight loss. Now that you’ve seen the list and browsed for ideas to utilize these powerhouse foods, I challenge you to add 2-3 of these items to your grocery list. Diet change begins one small habit at a time.

If you’re ready to make more changes and would like the help and support of a dietitian dedicated to her weight loss clients, consider enrolling in JD Nutrition LLC’s Ditch the Diet Online Program. Here, you will set challenging, yet realistic goals, expand your nutrition knowledge and create a lifestyle that supports a healthy weight…and one that you’ll love living! Check out the details below!

ditch the diet online program page
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