What do you need to lose weight?
“Do I need to build an exercise routine for weight loss?” This is a question I hear often, usually from clients that have stacked up bad experiences with exercise. It hurt, they felt winded, and found no positives in the adventure. They hope beyond hopes that I’ll say no.
That’s okay! I used to hate exercise too.
Here’s the good news. The ONLY requirement for losing more weight is burning off more calories than you eat. With that, there is no requirement for exercise, however, if you’re looking to improve your physique and are chasing better health, creating an exercise routine for weight loss needs to be part of that equation.
Here I’ll show you all of the benefits of exercise you’ll need to consider so that you can start a routine feeling inspired to action.
Exercise helps with weight loss
Simply put, exercise helps with weight loss because you burn more calories. Every calorie burned gives you a tiny bit more wiggle room when it comes to your diet. If you’ve been struggling to stick with a very low-calorie diet, a well-planned exercise routine for weight loss may give you the buffer you need to include more variety and larger servings.
Certain exercises reduce hunger cravings.
The number one reason dieters eventually quit is due to extreme hunger cravings. Early on in a calorie restriction, it’s possible to drink more water and distract yourself from low-level hunger. The longer you stay in a calorie deficit, the more your body cranks up hunger levels to help recover weight lost. Exercise helps to turn down those signals, making you feel more comfortable staying consistent with your calorie deficit.
It’s important to consult with a registered dietitian as some exercises have the opposite effect on hunger and make it more difficult to stick to the plan.
Exercise makes everyday tasks easier.
Strengthening cardio and weight lifting trains our bodies to make tasks like bringing in groceries, walking up stairs and carrying children that much easier. Take a look at any exercise video and you can see that many moves mimic things we’re doing in real life.
Squats mimic getting down on the floor to pick up a child, shoulder presses are like lifting a box up onto a high shelf, RDL’s mimic lifting anything and everything from the ground without hurting your back.
The good news is, you do not need to be in the gym for 2 hours a day or take up running marathons to see these benefits. The benefits of exercise can be seen in as little as 15 minutes per day. Studies show that even 15 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (a brisk walk) can lower blood pressure, reduce stress and improve mental health.
Let’s talk more specifically about benefits within different types of exercises.
Cardio as part of your exercise routine for weight loss
Exercising your heart and cardiovascular system is incredibly important to overall health. Plus, aerobic exercise like running and biking burns a lot of calories in the moment. It’s possible to burn 500 calories or more per hour running.
The downside to cardio though, is that the body often compensates for calories burned during these intense exercises by turning up hunger hormones and making you feel hungrier. It’s important to remember that burning off a ton of calories doesn’t mean you can eat to your heart’s content, a fact many dieters struggle with.
Work with a coach and be sure to keep track of your eating habits to gauge whether you are still in a calorie deficit for weight loss while including cardio in your exercise routine.
Does weight training make you bulky?
A common misconception amongst women is that lifting dumbbells and weights will make them look ‘bulky’, which is a major reason why many women never get started. The truth is, it is impossible to get ‘bulky’ without some major effort, and maybe with help from steroids.
What can happen, though, is a period of gaining muscle without losing body fat, which can make you feel a bit puffy. With the right plan to build muscle and lose body fat, you’ll see inches begin to drop off areas around the belly, thighs and arms, and some muscle tone emerging…the aesthetic that many women are aiming for.
Training with a haphazard diet in tow will not get you the results you’re looking for. Consult with a coach to make sure you’ve got the right balance of exercise and diet to reach your goals.
Weight training boosts metabolism
As we age, muscle mass naturally declines by 3-5% per decade, unless we are taking action to maintain it. It takes more energy to maintain muscle than fat stores, so over time, a decrease in muscle mass equals a decrease in calories burned. This is especially noticeable around perimenopause where hormones shift as well, and many experience sudden increases in weight with seemingly no change in their lifestyle.
Including regular weight bearing exercises into your exercise routine for weight loss increases the body’s need for calories, helps maintain bone density and improves body physique no matter your age.
Tackle health issues with your exercise routine for weight loss
In addition to weight, you may have other health issues like heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes that need managing. All of these conditions, plus many more, can be managed well when exercise is part of your treatment.
For diabetics, regular exercise increases a cell’s insulin sensitivity, allowing insulin to bring energy from sugar in. This leads to better blood sugar management across the board.
Always consult with your doctor before beginning an exercise program, and make sure that any professional you are working with is aware and well-equipped to tailor exercise programs to your specific needs.
Have a family history of heart disease? Getting on top of blood pressure and cholesterol profiles is key to avoiding issues in the future, or improving a condition you already have. Regular exercise increases ‘good’ HDL cholesterol and just 15 minutes of light aerobic exercise can reduce blood pressure.
Getting started with exercise
Start where you are. Resolving to run 5 miles each day when you’ve had zero experience with running isn’t realistic (or safe!). Set goals while building an exercise routine for weight loss that challenge you to build stamina and strength little by little. Here are some best practices:
- Think about consistency first: what exercise can you do every day that will fit well into your routine, and that is not so strenuous that it cannot be repeated? Walking is a superb choice here. Taking a 15–20-minute walk on your lunchbreak is a great way to build exercise into you routine and is gentle enough to include every day.
- Body weight exercises: before investing in weights and other equipment, focus on workouts that ask you to lift your own weight. Pushups, crunches, planks and squats can work all of your muscle groups and make everyday chores like bringing in groceries easier in time. As you progress, invest in weights to continue challenging yourself.
- Write it on your calendar: treat exercise sessions like doctor’s appointments. Write it on your calendar and show up on time, ready to go. Take it one step further by either adding a dollar to a rewards jar when you complete a workout or taking one away when you miss one to up the ante!
Get support
Creating an exercise routine for weight loss can be a real challenge, especially if you currently don’t enjoy physical activity. Changing your routine and behaviors is more a mental challenge than a physical one. Investing in a coach or program that helps you push past low motivation days and find joy in movement is key to your success. Don’t skip this important step!
Invest in coaching with JD Nutrition LLC! Work with a registered dietitian and weight loss coach who will help you put a balanced plan in place. Together you’ll tackle any obstacle holding you back from following through on your goal.
For more information, email Jackie at info@jdnutritionllc.com or schedule a complimentary 15-minute discovery session to learn more about program options and to meet your coach!